How to find quality leads on Linkedin within seconds

Whether you’re a busy enterprise salesperson, a solopreneur parent working from home, or a professional who has a side-business after hours, nobody has the time to waste going after bad leads.

So, here’s a quick, easy LinkedIn hack that will brighten up you week: a slick way to use the Search bar to find warm leads for your business – in seconds.

Step 1

Once you have logged in to LinkedIn you will see a search box on the top-left corner of your page:

Step 2

In the search box type in “Recommend + [keywords related to what you do in your business]”

For example, if you are a social media agency, I would search for “Recommend social media” and this will find people who have posted updates on LinkedIn using those keywords.

So when someone posts an update on LinkedIn saying “Can anyone recommend a good social media agency?” then I will be able to find that person and reply back to them.

Step 3

Once you click on “Search”, the next step is to select the “Content” category as seen below:

Step 4

Scroll down the page and find people who are looking for what you do. I just did a quick search now and in 10 seconds found the following six potential leads if I was running a social media agency:

Step 5

Reach out to those people in one of three ways:

  1. Add them as a connection on LinkedIn
    When you do this make sure you add a “Note” to your message as to the reason WHY you are adding them as a LinkedIn connection. I’ll normally say something along the lines that “I saw your post on LinkedIn looking for social media and thought it might be good to have a chat and see if we would be a good fit”.
  1. Message them (via email or InMail)
    Look for their contact details (most people have their email listed on their profile) or send them an InMail through LinkedIn.BONUS TIP: To find their email address I recommend a free Google chrome plug-in called FindThatLead.
  1. Leave a comment directly under their post
    Leaving a response under their initial post is smart for two reasons: firstly, it gets their attention, but – more importantly – others (who may be also looking for a similar service and are monitoring the post) will see your response. DOUBLE the awareness, with a single response!

    Check out my popular ebook:
    “From Hi To Hired: How To Turn New LinkedIn Connections Into Clients”

Step 6

Repeat this process and try different keywords in the search box.

You can keep scrolling through an almost endless list of posts with the keywords you selected. Remember, not everyone will be related, but some will.

You can further refine your search by experimenting with different keywords. For example, if I wanted to find people who are looking for an IT Support company in London I could search for “Recommend IT Support + London”.

Play around with different keywords and think about what would someone potentially post on LinkedIn if they are looking for your services!

Generate new business, quickly

Linkedin Coach Jonny Rose

My name is Jonny Rose and I’m the founder of Win At LinkedIn, a LinkedIn coaching service that trains B2B professionals to find leads, nurture prospects and close deals in a GDPR compliant way.

Let’s turn you into a Sales MACHINE, go here.

The exact Linkedin blueprint to grow a business to $1m

The exact Linkedin blueprint to grow a business to $1m

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