Welcome to our article on where to find LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms! In this post, we will guide you on locating these useful forms on the LinkedIn platform. From creating targeted campaigns to gathering valuable leads, LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms can be a powerful tool for your business. Let’s dive in and discover where these forms are located on LinkedIn! Have you been wondering where to find Linkedin Lead Gen Forms and how to use them effectively to generate leads for your business? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through where to locate Linkedin Lead Gen Forms and provide you with tips on how to optimize them for maximum results.

What are Linkedin Lead Gen Forms?

Linkedin Lead Gen Forms are pre-filled forms that allow users to easily share their information with businesses on the platform. When a user clicks on your Linkedin ad, they are presented with a form that is pre-populated with their profile information, making it quick and easy for them to submit their contact details to you. These forms help streamline the lead generation process and increase conversions for your business.

How do Linkedin Lead Gen Forms Work?

When a user clicks on your Linkedin ad, they are directed to a form that is pre-filled with their information, such as their name, email, and job title. This eliminates the need for them to manually input their details, making it more convenient for them to sign up. Once they submit the form, their contact information is sent directly to your Linkedin account, allowing you to follow up with them easily.

Where to Find Linkedin Lead Gen Forms

Where to Find Linkedin Lead Gen Forms

Finding Linkedin Lead Gen Forms is simple and can be done directly through the Linkedin Campaign Manager. Follow these steps to locate and create Lead Gen Forms for your advertising campaigns:

Step 1: Log in to your Linkedin Campaign Manager

Go to the Linkedin Campaign Manager and log in to your account. If you don’t have an account already, you can easily create one by signing up for Linkedin Ads.

Step 2: Create a New Campaign

Click on the “Create Campaign” button to start a new advertising campaign. Select the objective for your campaign, such as lead generation, website visits, or brand awareness.

Step 3: Set Up Your Ad Creative

Design your ad creative by adding engaging images, compelling copy, and a strong call-to-action. Make sure to highlight the benefits of your offer to entice users to click on your ad.

Step 4: Choose Lead Gen Forms as Your Ad Format

When setting up your ad, choose “Lead Gen Forms” as your ad format. You will be prompted to create a new Lead Gen Form or select an existing one from your account.

Step 5: Customize Your Lead Gen Form

Customize your Lead Gen Form by adding fields that you want users to fill out, such as name, email, company name, and job title. You can also include custom questions to gather more information from your leads.

Step 6: Review and Launch Your Campaign

Review your ad creative and Lead Gen Form to ensure everything looks good. Once you are satisfied with your setup, launch your campaign and start generating leads for your business.

Where to Find Linkedin Lead Gen Forms

Tips for Optimizing Linkedin Lead Gen Forms

To maximize the effectiveness of your Linkedin Lead Gen Forms and generate high-quality leads for your business, follow these tips:

Use a Strong Call-to-Action

Include a clear and compelling call-to-action in your ad creative to encourage users to click on your ad and submit their information. Use action words such as “download now,” “sign up today,” or “learn more” to prompt users to take action.

Keep Your Form Simple

Only ask for essential information in your Lead Gen Form to reduce friction and make it easy for users to complete. The more fields you add, the more likely users are to abandon the form without submitting their details.

Offer Value to Users

Provide users with a valuable incentive to encourage them to fill out your Lead Gen Form. Offer a free e-book, whitepaper, webinar, or consultation to entice users to share their information with you.

Follow Up Promptly

Follow up with leads promptly after they submit their information through your Lead Gen Form. Send them a personalized message thanking them for signing up and provide them with more information about your products or services.

Track and Analyze Results

Monitor the performance of your Lead Gen Forms through the Linkedin Campaign Manager and track key metrics such as conversion rate, cost per lead, and return on investment. Use this data to optimize your campaigns and improve results over time.

Where to Find Linkedin Lead Gen Forms


In conclusion, Linkedin Lead Gen Forms are powerful tools that can help you generate high-quality leads for your business on the platform. By following the steps outlined in this article and implementing the tips for optimization, you can effectively leverage Lead Gen Forms to drive conversions and grow your business. Start using Linkedin Lead Gen Forms today and watch your lead generation efforts soar!

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